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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) advocates that the majority of people, age 6 months and older, receive a flu vaccine. Their recommendation is even more pronounced this year during the coronavirus pandemic.

Not only is getting the vaccination about avoiding symptoms caused from the flu virus, but it’s also helping to protect those around you. During the 2020/2021 flu season it’s important to put your health and others first.

In addition to taking the proactive step and getting the flu vaccine, the time of year in making this decision is a major factor to take into account.

The CDC recommends for people to get vaccinated prior to the flu season, which is often earmarked at the end of October. Vaccinations can take approximately two weeks for the antibodies to safeguard from the virus.

The flu virus is detected around the United States all year long, however, it is most prevalent during fall and winter seasons. The specific time span and length of the flu varies by geography, but in most cases the virus climbs in October, peaks from December to February, and can persist through May.

Receiving the vaccination too early in the year, could result in less protection against the influenza virus. Physicians often advise that the immunization can offer the highest protection for up to six months after receiving it.

For example, if you get the vaccination in the month of August, it’s possible that you may not be covered through March when the flu is still relevant.

A senior scholar from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Dr. Amesh Adalja, underscored that this year is more important than usual to get a flu shot. “We are going to be dealing with both influenza and the coronavirus when it becomes respiratory virus season in the fall.”

Dr Adalja agrees with the CDC that October is an ideal month to receive the vaccine because this timeframe lessens the chance of the protection wearing off prior to the peak season. He also clarified that if the only time you can receive the vaccine is before October, that’s better than no protection at all.

As far as supply and demand issues, there should not be concern that clinics will run out of the vaccine this year. According to the CDC, manufacturers have planned for upwards of 198 million flu vaccine doses; that surpasses the record-breaking 175 million doses from last year. Thankfully there are no projections for delays when it comes to inventory.

The bottom line is that right now is the ideal time to schedule a visit to your primary care provider, or your local pharmacy, and get the flu shot. Making this decision is not only important for your personal health, but also for the health of your community.

In addition to protecting yourself and others against viruses, check out this insightful article on Auxo Medical’s blog with tips on how to enhance your health.