New & Refurbished Medical Equipment Catalog by Category
*Featured (61)
AEDs (12)
Anesthesia Machines (21)
Anesthesia Monitors (12)
Anesthesia/Equipment Booms (6)
Autoclaves (56)
Bladder Scanners (5)
Boilers & Steam Generators (42)
C-Arms (34)
Carts / Transport (12)
Centrifuges (25)
Communications (1)
Defibrillators (25)
ECG (17)
Electrosurgical Units (30)
ENT (3)
Exam Tables & Chairs (97)
Fetal Monitors (13)
Flexible and Rigid Scopes (29)
Hospital Beds (17)
Infusion and Syringe Pumps (38)
Laryngoscopes (5)
Liposuction (4)
Microscopes (10)
Nanoseptic (5)
Patient Monitors (111)
Patient Positioning (33)
PPE (8)
Processing Sinks (12)
Refrigerators / Freezers (22)
Rentals (73)
Scrub Sinks (8)
Stainless OR Suite Furniture (30)
Sterile Processing Equipment Repair Parts (75)
Sterile Processing Supplies & Accessories (35)
Sterilizers (33)
Stools / Task Seating (13)
Storage / Drying Cabinets (23)
Stretchers (66)
Suction and Oxygen Therapy (6)
Surgical Lighting (56)
Surgical Power Equipment (19)
Surgical Tables (57)
Temperature Monitoring (2)
Tourniquets (9)
Ultrasonic Cleaners (24)
Ultrasound Machines (74)
Ultraviolet Sanitation Products (63)
Vaporizers (10)
Vein Viewers (2)
Ventilators (14)
Warming Cabinets (36)
Washer Detergent (6)
Washer Disinfectors (34)
Wheelchairs (3)
Wound Management/Skin Graft (1)
X-Ray (6)