It’s that time time of year of again! We’re excited for summertime here at Auxo Medical because we get to welcome a new group of awesome qualified students to the family. We’re so excited to introduce the newest members of the Auxo team participating in our internship program during the Spring 2020 semester.
These two students are working hard and gaining hands-on experience in various aspects here at Auxo Medical. We’ve asked the interns to answer a few questions in order to get to know them a little more. Without further ado, please welcome the Spring 2020 interns! Learn about them below.

Name: Faith Janecke
College/University: Virginia Commonwealth University, Public Relations with a minor in business, junior
Position: Marketing Intern
Daily duties: Monitoring Online presence, managing social media accounts, using data and analytics to improve marketing strategy
Favorite part of the internship:
My favorite part of the internship is being able to gain real work experience and collaborating with trained professionals.
What she hopes to gain from the experience:
I hope to gain marketing skills that will help me grow in the workforce.
Career goals:
A major goal of mine is to obtain a full time position in the marketing or public relations field after I graduate.
What she does in her spare time:
I am a major foodie and I love trying new restaurants around the Richmond area.
Share a fun fact about yourself:
I am obsessed with bubble tea and my favorite flavor is Thai tea.
Name: Jackson Doody

College/University: Currently studying Biomedical Engineering at VCU. Graduating in 2021
Position: Biomedical Technician Intern
Daily duties: Refurbishing different patient monitors, infusion pumps, repairing circuit board, and working on salesforce projects.
Favorite part of the internship:
One of my favorite things about this internship is earning more about the field I am studying in and seeing how classroom education can apply to actual machinery. In addition, the work environment with my coworkers is very friendly, and makes it more enjoyable to work at the office.
What he hopes to gain from the experience:
I hope to gain a base understanding and operation of as many medical devices as possible at Auxo Medical. It has also been interesting and helpful to learn a little of how the Biomedical Department is conducted and run. Lastly, I want to attain enough experience to help me find the areas to pursue in Biomedical Engineering as I am finishing up my college education.
Career goals:
Once I learn more about Biomedical Engineering through education and work experience, I want to start my own company in engineering or take the entrepreneur route.
What he does in his spare time:
In my free time, I like playing with my two dogs and taking them to the river. I love going on adventures with my friends and family by going hiking, camping, and surfing.
Share a fun fact about yourself:
I have been in a band before.