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GE Logiq S8 R2 w/ 2 Probe of Customers Choice

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The LOGIQ® S8 provides easy-to-use tools that help busy departments and practices improve workflow while securing exam consistency. All of that in a streamlined and innovative design, ensuring exceptional user comfort.

With a fully adjustable console and flat-screen, a very compact design and incredible scanning comfort,the LOGIQ® S8 follows the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (SDMS) guidelines.

With the LOGIQ® S8, moving your ultrasound system around is easier than ever before. Four active pinless ports and one parking slot improve your flexibility in moving through a wide range of clinical applications. Probe holders on both sides of the operating panel and light-weight cables keep the needed transducers available at your fingertips.
You can easily customize the system settings and commands using the large configurable touchscreen.

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SKU: AM-LOGIQ-S8-2P Category: Tags: , , ,


The LOGIQ® S8 provides easy-to-use tools that help busy departments and practices improve workflow while securing exam consistency. All of that in a streamlined and innovative design, ensuring exceptional user comfort.

With a fully adjustable console and flat-screen, a very compact design and incredible scanning comfort,the LOGIQ® S8 follows the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (SDMS) guidelines.

With the LOGIQ® S8, moving your ultrasound system around is easier than ever before. Four active pinless ports and one parking slot improve your flexibility in moving through a wide range of clinical applications. Probe holders on both sides of the operating panel and light-weight cables keep the needed transducers available at your fingertips.
You can easily customize the system settings and commands using the large configurable touchscreen.

Covering a wide range of applications, the Elastography package increases your diagnostic confidence thanks to a comprehensive set of features including E-Index and Q-Analysis tools based on GE exclusive Raw Data processing.

The B-Flow Mode, based on the GE exclusive coded technology, displays true flow hemodynamics without the limitations of Doppler, improving your clinical confidence in vascular assessment.
Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) including Raw Data TIC quantification

A full suite of settings to achieve superb contrast agent resolution, sensitivity and penetration in a variety of clinical applications.Auto IMT and Auto calculations enable streamlined vascular risk assessment studies.
Elastography and 2D PDI/CFM quantification elevate your diagnostic and therapeutic assessment to a new level.
With Auto Optimization you achieve the best LOGIQ® S8imaging settings in one keystroke.
GE exclusive Raw Data, enabling a wide variety of processing after the exam closes, saves your time and improves workflow.
Scan Assistant, the GE flexible and scalable scanning programs, helps you improve exam consistency, standardization and increase efficiency, reducing keystrokes and exam time.

Additional information

Weight 500 lbs
Dimensions 48 × 40 × 70 in