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Serc Alkaline Detergent 4X1GAL CST-110CK


Sold as a case of four, one gallon containers

SKU: S-110CK-CG Category: Tag:


Safe alkaline single product – no neutralizer required for automatic washers.
Excellent as a pre-soak – undiluted product removes heavy stains from stainless steel
Cleans and protects – provides powerful cleaning action and passivation layer protection
for stainless steel surgical instruments.
Counteracts hard water – potent chelating additives help to achieve complete rinsing. This helps to
maintain and protect instrument surfaces by denying undesirable hard water minerals the ability to
form scale.
Versatile – formulated for use with all brands of automatic washer units.
Economical – high level of concentration is cost effective.
Caution – CST-110 CK are not compatible with some aluminum alloys and some mixed metal – test first before use in your washer.

Chemical Description: Concentrated liquid blend of surfactants and chelating agents
Physical Appearance: Clear, reddish orange, low viscosity liquid
pH (1%w/w sol) ………… 10.9-11.6
Specific Gravity………… 1.14