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Sterilizer Chamber Cleanings

Saving Time, Trouble & Money: Sterilizer Chamber Cleanings

What is easy to do is also easy not to do.  – Jim Rohn

As a “microwave society” — we enjoy seeing results immediately, and not necessarily waiting for the compound effect to kick in over a long period of time.

Taking a few minutes every single day to clean sterilizer chambers has both short term and long term benefits. Think about the concept of dental hygiene; it is preventative maintenance. Do you brush your teeth daily? Of course you do. But, do you floss daily? Maybe not. It’s easy to do, but it’s also…easy not to do. The benefits of doing this mundane and extra minute or two of work every single day has exponential benefits for your health in the long run.

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#AskAuxo: Top 5 Considerations When Purchasing Refurbished Medical Equipment


Managing any type of medical facility is pricey. Although the healthcare field has limited opportunities to scale back on purchases than other businesses, there are still ways to save money and make intelligent purchases.

A refurbished piece of medical equipment means that expert medical technicians have restored it to its nearly new condition before it was released back to the market.

Here are 5 areas to take into account when deciding to purchase refurbished medical equipment.

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Streamlining Medical Equipment Processes with a Single Source

Doctor suggesting hospital program to patient

What are the benefits of using a single source vendor for purchasing medical equipment? This seems like an obvious answer for a common question, but the truth is, there is so much more to it than cost savings.

These days more than ever before, the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) procurement team is under a lot of pressure to provide high quality equipment, within or under budget, while considering the needs (and opinions) of front line medical stakeholders.

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