Fraud Blocker

Streamlining Medical Equipment Processes with a Single Source

Doctor suggesting hospital program to patient

What are the benefits of using a single source vendor for purchasing medical equipment? This seems like an obvious answer for a common question, but the truth is, there is so much more to it than cost savings.

These days more than ever before, the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) procurement team is under a lot of pressure to provide high quality equipment, within or under budget, while considering the needs (and opinions) of front line medical stakeholders.

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Section 179


It’s Not Too Late … But It’s Time to Hustle

Bet you’re like most everyone … as the Holiday Season approaches, we all tend to say, “Where did the year go?” More central to this article is “Where did the 2017 Tax Year Go?

And that brings us to the topic at hand, your potential to save big-time on your 2017 tax bill. That prospect is the significant tax advantages of the Section 179 deduction … but only if you act by December 31, 2017.

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Ransomware & Identity Theft Update

Ransomware & Identity Theft Update

The Exposure & Defenses for ASCs and Employees

Back in August, we reported in the Auxo Medical Examiner of the increasing victimization of health care facilities by hackers who disable access to key patient and status records until ransom demands are met. In addition to patients, employees often suffer as well because of a workplace breach of their confidential information.

In recent days, we’ve all seen the recent headlines of a data breach that literally may affect 50% of Americans.

Giant Equifax data breach: 143 million people could be affected

Equifax says a giant cybersecurity breach compromised the personal information of as many as 143 million Americans — almost half the U.S population.

Given the snowballing ransomware cyberattacks of ASCs and other health care facilities, coupled with escalating identity theft initiated by hackers for illicit use or sale to other thieves … this issue will deal with two specific data breach exposures:

  • The burgeoning interconnectivity of medical devices, and
  • Protection against theft of employee records.
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Millennials in Healthcare

Healthcare Employers and Managers

The times are changing  –  and healthcare managers need to get with the times.

How would you like to have employees who:

  • Crave meaningful work and passionate about helping others;
  • Seek and respond well to constructive feedback;
  • Embrace training and mentoring to advance their careers; and
  • Creatively apply technology in the workplace?

If your answer is “yes”, you have just accepted the profile of the single largest segment of the workforce – Millennials. What’s not to like?!

This generation has now surpassed the Boomers and projected to be fully half of the U.S. workforce by 2020. Also known as Gen Y, this generation born between 1980 and 2000 will escalate to 75% status by 2030.

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Training Course

Training Course – October 16th – 20th, 2017

**This training classes has ended.**

Mark your calendar! This Fall, Auxo Medical will be offering a Steris Sterilizer and Washer/Disinfector service training course!

The course will be offered October 16th – 20th, 2017 at Auxo Medical in Richmond, VA.

October 16th – 17th 2017  – Steris  Small Century Series Sterilizers
October  18th – 19th 2017  – Steris Synegry Washers
October  20th, 2017 – Review for the final half day.

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