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Need a Short or Long Term Rental Solution?

Are you looking for a hospital equipment rental that meets the demands of your patients and staff? Auxo Medical, LLC supplies affordable new and refurbished medical equipment for rental with fast turnaround repair services. Here are some things you need to know when selecting Auxo Medical hospital rental equipment:

Expected Patient Upsurge

Planning for more patients is beneficial as you never know when to expect an influx. Find out the necessary equipment to manage the population increase from previous rental patterns. Conduct regular patient census and equipment audits to determine which Auxo Medical hospital rental equipment your facility needs.

Quality of Equipment

Quality is advantageous in the healthcare industry, as it aids in obtaining accurate findings. This can be difficult to calculate, particularly if you are setting up the business. Hospital equipment rental should be of the highest quality, providing uninterrupted service during the rental time frame. At Auxo Medical, LLC, we stock new and refurbished hospital equipment from companies we trust. The brands we work with are well known in the industry for providing quality services.

Poor quality equipment can negatively affects your patient’s treatment, the recovery process, or your brand’s reputation. Get the appropriate software version of the equipment from Auxo Medical, LLC. This applies to both brand-new and refurbished equipment. With good quality and proper software, you confidently take advantage of modern technological advancements and patient care.

Technical Expertise

Technical skills are a key aspect that helps identify the perfect equipment. Go for a vendor with excellent technical expertise to get value for your investment. At Auxo Medical, we possess the technical knowledge to deliver quality equipment and the dependability to create a long-lasting relationship. We guarantee dependable equipment service and repair whenever you need us. The efficiency of your healthcare facility depends on how quickly problems are resolved. An equipment operation delay results in customer loss, downtime, and decreased revenue.


Buying new equipment can be challenging due to heightened funding costs, equipment shortages, and increasing technological innovations. Auxo Medical hospital equipment rental provides a quick alternate solution that is less expensive while working with a budget.

We offer rental alternatives for different types of equipment. You can rent the equipment for a specified period at a fixed monthly installment. You can either renew your rental agreement or end the contract after the rent period elapses. Shop around and research to analyze the options offered by various vendors. Choose a vendor that offers high-quality equipment at favorable terms.

Credit Score

Monthly repayments are variable and depend on a vendor. Your eligibility for hospital equipment rental depends on your creditworthiness and that of your business. The credit score is not the primary influencing variable regarding your approval to receive the equipment. Even if your credit score falls short of the required threshold, you may still secure a lease by either:

  • Placing a substantial security deposit
  • Providing collateral
  • Assuring that your healthcare business has a healthy cash flow
  • Having a guarantor

Your organization’s cash flow is key in evaluating your eligibility for a lease. This assures the vendor that you’ll be able to pay the agreed fixed monthly lease payment.

Reliability of the Vendor

Auxo Medical has a proven track record for providing high-quality rental medical equipment. To provide the best service for your patients, you need to work with a vendor that is trustworthy. As a small business, we are dedicated to providing quality services for your business. Auxo Medical is available to answer any questions or concerns you have with the equipment. 

Don’t be caught off-guard when your medical equipment malfunctions. We provide inspection and repair services for our medical rental equipment. Your business won’t have to reschedule procedures or lose clients due to faulty appliances. Work with Auxo Medical for high-quality services.

Type of Equipment You Require

Equipment is either designed to perform a single task or to multitask. Examine your facility’s specific needs and compare them to the function of the equipment you intend to rent. This helps you decide to select a medical hospital equipment rental that meets your requirements.

Get Reliable Hospital Equipment Rental

Medical hospital equipment is key for the treatment and recovery of your patients. Hospital equipment rental is a good alternative for providing your clients with the latest technology without spending a fortune. Finding the appropriate equipment that meets your needs is easier when you pay close attention to the small details.

Selecting hospital equipment rental does not have to feel like a daunting task. At Auxo Medical, LLC, we specialize in the supply and repair of both new and refurbished medical equipment. We are here to take care of your value-based medical equipment solution, such as:

  • Healthcare systems
  • Ambulatory surgery centers
  • Laboratories
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Private physician practices

Contact us today to learn more about how we will assist with your medical equipment.


The Different Types of EKG Machines

blankEKG Machines remain the most instrumental heart disease diagnosis technology invented in the 20th century. Technology advancement has led to the creation of EKG/ECG machines with varying complexity, portability, and affordability. When purchasing an EKG machine, you need one that works for you financially and functionally. At Auxo Medical, we carry different types of ECG machines, both new and refurbished, to meet the needs of any medical facility.

Holter EKG Monitor

This wearable and portable ECG machine measures and records the heart’s rhythm. The machine is small, about the size of a medium-sized camera. It is also wearable and sometimes records the heart function between 24 to 48 hours or longer.

A Holter monitor has electrodes attached to the skin to detect heartbeats. If the patient has hair on the chest, you need to shave it so the electrodes stick. Once you fit the ECG device, the patient can return to everyday activities. Most professionals opt for this EKG device due to its high portability and ease of use.

Resting 12-lead EKG Machine

This machine has 12 leads obtained through ten electrodes. It is considered a resting EKG as patients have to sit up or lay down doing the test, which takes between five and ten minutes. The results obtained from this machine are reflective of the heart’s condition at rest since the patient is not in movement.

The 12-lead EKG unit has six peripheral leads and six precordial leads. These leads provide varying views of the heart from different angles. This helps doctors in polishing their data to make an accurate patient diagnosis. The 12 leads also eliminate disturbance and noise from some of the leads making the diagnosis more precise.

Operating the traditional 12-lead device requires considerable medical expertise to translate the findings. You may opt for the modern 12-lead ECG machines such as the PCA 500, which are considered more straightforward.

The PCA 500 12-lead ECG machine simplifies heart monitoring through mobile support applications and machine learning diagnostics. It helps you to translate the findings and make an accurate diagnosis. The EKG device also allows your patients to conduct their assessment from home as the device does not require clinical space.

At Auxo Medical, we offer different 12-lead EKG units, such as the PCA 500, at an affordable price. We have new and refurbished machines to meet your needs within your budget.

Event EKG Monitor

The event monitor is similar to the Holter monitor but records at specific times. It uses a recording device to track the heart and only starts when it detects an irregular heart rhythm.

Some event monitors are not automatic and may require patients to push a recording button anytime they feel the symptoms. The monitor records and sends the data to a monitoring station for proper diagnosis. Patients wear these machines for up to 30 days to obtain accurate data.

We at Auxo Medical provide event monitors to aid in diagnosing heart disease. Some of our vent monitors are automatic and others manual.

Exercise EKG Machine

This device is also known as the stress machine. The device records the heart’s activities and capabilities under strenuous conditions in a stress test. This test takes place in a controlled environment, as the patient pedals a stationary bike or walks on a treadmill. The exercise intensity is gradually increased to determine the impact of stress on heart activities.

The exercise EKG device is mainly used for patients at risk of a heart attack. When using this machine, you should suspend patients from using certain medications. They may improve the heart’s base performance leading to inaccurate data and poor diagnosis.

At Auxo medical, we offer exercise EKG machines to track your patient’s heart rhythms and diagnose heart disease under strenuous conditions. We provide quality machines to improve your heart disease diagnosis.

Implantable Loop Recorder

An implantable loop recorder records the heart’s rhythm for up to three years. This EKG device allows you to monitor your patient’s heart rhythm while they continue their daily activities.

A minor surgery places the small machine under the skin around the chest. It captures even the slightest arrhythmias that other EKG devices easily miss. The EKG device is also more accurate than other devices as it records heartbeats for longer periods. Extensive recording collects large amounts of data, making detecting patterns and diagnosis easy.

At Auxo Medical, we provide implantable loop recorder services at an affordable price. Our refurbished and new loop recorders help to track your patient’s heart rhythm for extended periods.

Buy New or Refurbished EKG Machines Today!

EKG machines are necessary for any facility with general health care professionals or cardiologists. They offer a great way to diagnose poor blood flow, assess heart rhythm, and detect abnormalities. With the different types of EKG units in the market, finding one that matches your needs and budget is easy.

At Auxo Medical, we deal in quality new and refurbished EKG devices to monitor heart activities. We offer a wide range of these machines, including the resting12-lead EKG machine, Holter monitor, event monitor, implantable loop recorder, and stress machine. Contact us to order or ask for further advice on EKG devices.

steam generator

Need a Steam Generator? Why Work With Auxo Medical

A steam generator plays a key role in the effectiveness and safety of medical procedures. It can eliminate microbial contamination on reusable hospital devices, surgical tools, and other objects. With Auxo Medical, you can find high-quality new or pre-owned steam generators suitable for any situation.

We provide our customers with the best value for their money. Here are the reasons why you should work with Auxo Medical:

We Offer Varieties Of Steam Generators

At Auxo Medical, we provide varieties of steam generators that are high quality and fit in any location. We offer various options that meet the needs of your application. Our main focus is to make sure your facility keeps running. The steam generators we have offered include:

54KW, 208V Steam Generator

A Mini Electric Steam Generator (Boiler) is electrically powered and produces no noise or pollution during operation. The product uses a cabinet design style, has an exquisite appearance, and has a small interior structure. It is a perfect choice for those looking to save space.

All Stainless 80KW, 480V Steam Generator

The base frame and hood are of stainless steel and have an integrated switch box. It has a multi-system that combines several steam generators as the modular system comes with a variety of individual components, you have a multi-system that generates more steam.

Pacific Steam 30kw 480V Steam Generator

Pacific Steam Equipment’s operations and the manufacturing process are subject to inspection by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Authorized Examiners. This makes sure that Pacific Steam Equipment’s boilers are safe and reliable.

Chromalox Steris Powerpack CH10 102kW Vertical Steam Generator

This generator is a reliable heat source that produces low or high-pressure steam or heat water for various purposes. The generator is used for industrial and commercial operations. During the factory qualification process, each unit undergoes comprehensive testing and is pre-validated according to the client’s requirements.

We Have Reliable and High-Quality Products

Auxo Medical is a leading supplier of premium steam generators and accessories for the healthcare industry. We are committed to excellence and providing complete after-sales support with our trained customer service representatives.

At Auxo Medical, we’re dedicated to providing you and your patients with the highest medical care. We provide many services and products, including our effective steam generator. Our product is reliable and efficient, allowing your entire facility to operate at peak performance with minimal downtime.

With our generators, your facility will continue operating for many years. Since they are highly efficient and reliable, they offer many operational advantages to your medical facility. Our product makes sure that you and your patients are covered, in case of emergency situations.

Get Started Today

Are you looking for a steam generator? Auxo Medical delivers top-quality products and medical equipment repair. Our processes are driven by a shared mission of exceeding our customer’s expectations for medical equipment. Our staff has built the confidence of our customers by providing superior products and services. Get in touch with Auxo Medical today for affordable and high-quality steam generators.

Internet of Medical Things (IoT): The Vast Impact Inside & Outside of Hospital Walls


A patient’s heart monitor sends an alert to a physician that her arrhythmia is back.

A senior forgets to take their prescribed medication on time, and a devices helps remind them to take it and also documents what time they took it.

 A man’s implanted device monitors blood glucose symptoms and delivers a corrective insulin stimulus, alerting the physician simultaneously.

All of these examples are the epitome of the “Internet of Medical Things” (IoMT). The Internet of Medical Things refers to an ecosystem of medical devices and applications that collect data that is then provided to healthcare IT systems through online computer networks. Wi-Fi enabled devices are a catalyst for machines to communicate and link to cloud platforms for data storage. The “Internet of Things” (IoT) has influenced several industries, and the healthcare field is no exception. The medical industry across the board has gradually started to enter the integrated world of IoT.

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Outpatient is the Future of Total Joint Replacement

Ambulatory Surgery Centers are Paving the Way

Outpatient is the Future of Total Joint Replacement


Elective outpatient hip and knee replacements increased by 47 percent from 2012 to 2015, according to a study by Sg2. This insight is an early indicator that total joint replacements (TJR) are becoming more common in the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) setting as a higher number of surgeons become experts on minimally invasive technology and pain management techniques for outpatient procedures.

Total joint surgeries moving toward outpatient can also be attributed to:

  • The transition to value-based care since ASCs are a high quality, low cost option
  • Insurance companies are more willing to cover outpatient TJRs
  • Studies show that patients who fit a particular criteria can achieve desired results in the outpatient setting

In this month’s newsletter, we’re peeling back the TJR outpatient trends, cost analysis, and how ASCs are taking a driver’s seat in the total joint arena.

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ASCs Bring Extra Value in Value-Based Care

Value-Based Care

Value-based healthcare is a delivery model in which providers are compensated based on patient health outcomes. Under value-based care agreements, providers (including hospitals and physicians) are recognized for helping patients improve their health, reduce the ramifications and incidence of chronic disease, and live a healthier lifestyle in an evidence-based process.

Value-based care is different from a traditional fee-for-service (FFS) approach. FFS providers are paid based on the amount of healthcare services they deliver. The “value” in value-based healthcare is derived from measuring health outcomes against the cost of delivering the outcomes.

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#AskAuxo: Medical Equipment Maintenance Q&A


All month long, we have been focused on the importance of medical equipment maintenance. For this #ASKAuxo blog post, we wanted to dig a little bit deeper. We asked an expert about the fundamentals of proactively keeping equipment fully functional and reliable.

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4 Reasons You Should Make Preventative Maintenance of Medical Equipment a Top Priority

untitled-design-80Preventive maintenance programs are designed to ensure equipment is in quality working order to maintain reliable operation, protect patients, minimize the risk of injury to patients, and avoid pricey, unscheduled repairs.

Maintenance. The word itself can often times come with a negative connotation due to the term “High Maintenance.” But when it comes to medical equipment maintenance, the key here is PREVENTative. In this issue’s Auxo Medical newsletter, we’ll peel back why the importance of preventative maintenance cannot be overemphasized.

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Sterilizer Chamber Cleanings

Saving Time, Trouble & Money: Sterilizer Chamber Cleanings

What is easy to do is also easy not to do.  – Jim Rohn

As a “microwave society” — we enjoy seeing results immediately, and not necessarily waiting for the compound effect to kick in over a long period of time.

Taking a few minutes every single day to clean sterilizer chambers has both short term and long term benefits. Think about the concept of dental hygiene; it is preventative maintenance. Do you brush your teeth daily? Of course you do. But, do you floss daily? Maybe not. It’s easy to do, but it’s also…easy not to do. The benefits of doing this mundane and extra minute or two of work every single day has exponential benefits for your health in the long run.

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#AskAuxo: Top 5 Considerations When Purchasing Refurbished Medical Equipment


Managing any type of medical facility is pricey. Although the healthcare field has limited opportunities to scale back on purchases than other businesses, there are still ways to save money and make intelligent purchases.

A refurbished piece of medical equipment means that expert medical technicians have restored it to its nearly new condition before it was released back to the market.

Here are 5 areas to take into account when deciding to purchase refurbished medical equipment.

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