Healthcare organizations have their plates full, juggling the latest and greatest offerings and cutting-edge tools, all while figuring out budgets to support the advanced tech tools and procuring staff with the capacity to oversee them. One of these trending tools on every administrator’s mind is preparing for and implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Read any article or watch a news clip about the subject, and there are common themes that AI is projected to bring to the table — you’ll hear words like:
- Analyze
- Predictive actions
- Preventative care
- Feedback
The bottom line is that AI is seen as a benefit to the patient, first and foremost. With continuous connectivity and the capacity to learn, AI would have the ability to improve clinical efficiency by collecting, aggregating, and analyzing patient data —the results of this learning can then be used to improve patient adherence, engagement, and to proactively advise on next steps. AI in a clinical setting would prove its effectiveness as it begins to transform the healthcare system into one more focused on preventative care as opposed to reactionary care.