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Virginia's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

Virginia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

The plan to vaccinate all Virginians is fluid and a moving target. That is because vaccine inventory is limited (at a global, national, state, and regional level), and the logistics behind distributing the vaccine hasn’t been a seamless process. Also, as is the case with any high demand product, supply is limited.

On the bright side — a study by QuoteWizard ranked the Commonwealth of Virginia most likely to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, as compared to all states across the country. These predictions to estimate vaccination rates were supported by the current rate of adults getting vaccinated, accessibility to healthcare, as well as public opinion.

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Virginia's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

Understanding How Vaccines Work

Every year, millions of people safely receive vaccinations. All FDA-approved vaccines undergo comprehensive and laborious trials prior to being given to the public. Testing during the development process includes screenings to analyze which antigen should be utilized to solicit a response from our immune systems.

The stage that precedes clinical testing is conducted without testing on humans. An exploratory vaccine is initially used in animals to gauge its efficacy and ability to prevent illness. If the vaccine sparks a response from the immune system, then it can be investigated in human clinical trials; this typically takes place over three phases.

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Virtual Healthcare

Transitioning to a Virtual Climate in Healthcare

For the better part of 2020, the United States had to pivot to virtual healthcare, due to the pandemic. One industry, in particular, was both interrupted and reimagined during the COVID-19 crisis in healthcare.

Clinics and hospitals very quickly had to implement, or evolve, their telehealth services in order to see and care for their patients. This virtual tool became a critical component to COVID-19’s clinical response early on, and today still remains a necessary catalyst for delivering care.

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Our Top 4 Healthcare Predictions for 2021

Our Top 4 Healthcare Predictions for 2021

It’s important to pause and reflect on the previous year to predict what we can expect to see in the future of healthcare.

The coronavirus pandemic was a roadblock for artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of things (IoT), however, it still experienced developments during 2020.

Furthermore, healthcare was impacted by the pressure of providing vaccines, medicine, and environmental health.

As we look forward to what’s in store for 2021, we collected our top four predictions in the healthcare space.

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2020 Deduction Rules & Limitations for IRS 179 Tax Code

With the end of our calendar year coming to an end, this month we are focusing on leveraging tax codes for the IRS 179 tax code.

Section 179’s deduction can assist your company by procuring assets that you need such as software, vehicles, and equipment while holding onto a larger portion of your tax dollars.

It’s important to understand the tax code, deduction rules, and updated limitations for 2020 to make the best decisions for equipment and software purchases.

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Benefits of IRS Section 179 for Businesses

Benefits of IRS Section 179 for Businesses

As Americans wrap up 2020, business owners and operators have taxes to consider as they close out the calendar year.

IRS Section 179 is worth paying attention to. Here are the frequently asked questions on IRS Section 179 savings, calculations, and regulations.

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When is the Most Effective Time to Get a Flu Shot?

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) advocates that the majority of people, age 6 months and older, receive a flu vaccine. Their recommendation is even more pronounced this year during the coronavirus pandemic.

Not only is getting the vaccination about avoiding symptoms caused from the flu virus, but it’s also helping to protect those around you. During the 2020/2021 flu season it’s important to put your health and others first.

In addition to taking the proactive step and getting the flu vaccine, the time of year in making this decision is a major factor to take into account.

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Five Reasons Why This Year’s Flu Vaccine is Important

Five Reasons Why This Year’s Flu Vaccine is Important

This season’s influenza vaccine provides protection against four of the flu viruses that are anticipated to make their rounds.

Although the vaccine is not entirely effective, experts believe it is the most efficientmeans to avoid complications from the flu.

Here are five common questions surrounding the flu vaccine.

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Top 7 Reasons to Become an Organ Donor

Top 7 Reasons to Become an Organ Donor

Organ donation offers an invaluable, life-saving opportunity for those that are facing fatal health risks. The demand for organ donors is expanding. In 2020, there have been over 25,500 total (deceased and living) lifesaving organ transplants performed. And in 2019, there was a record-breaking 7,397 transplants from living donors.

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The Future of Organ Transplant

The Future of Organ Transplants

United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) is a private, non-profit organization that heads up the nation’s organ transplant network, in conjuction with the federal government.

According to UNOS, as of September 2020, over 109,000 people need a lifesaving organ transplant (total wait list candidates). From January 2020 through September 2020, there were 22,133 transplants. Although the U.S. system for organ donation and recovery is among the best on the planet, there is still much more that needs to be done in order to improve transplant numbers and save more lives.

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